2008年5月8日 星期四


I can honestly say that Wu Jien is the best taekwondo dojo you can find. Why? They don’t only teach taekwondo, but also something more important, self-defense which includes a number of other marital arts. Wu Jien is also a great place for foreigners to come. The instructor can speak English, and there are many other foreigners training there.

My name is Daphne, and I started going to Wu Jien since I was in third grade, which is eight years ago. I love the place. I have lots of friends there that have come and gone with time, and I also have many friends that have stayed there for more than twenty years. I have many good memories of growing up there with the many teachers that have taught me things more than just how to kick and punch. I don’t go there are much as I use to any more due to the fact that I no longer live in Taiwan. I now live and study in New York, but during the summer, I always find time to go back.

The instructor is a very friendly person. He welcomes everybody to his dojo. That goes from kids in preschool to elders, and it doesn’t even matter if you are a foreigner. He treats everyone with respect. He teaches you what is needed to get to the next belt, what is important in self-defense, and what you want to learn.

Wu Jien is the very best place where you want to train, have fun, and make friends. Give it a try, and you won’t regret it. I know I haven’t.







2008年5月5日 星期一


翔惠翔宇姐弟檔,打從十幾年前就加入道館囉~ (沒錯,就是在版主們都還唸大學進道館的時候) 她們是台北天母美國學校的學生,從國小很小的時候就加入道館啦~ 高中以後前往美國,讀完柏克萊大學後現在在一家企業當顧問......如果各位有印象,你們一定曾在道館看過她們小時候用的護具~ 上面有可愛的小小簽名^^

每年回台灣的時候,她們就會回道館探視大家~ 這是咱們駐北美洲區的社員,那還有馬來西亞區/日本區...etc.的成員,期待你們回來團聚喔~!